School’s Out. Now What?

It’s summer time so that means warm weather, cook outs, fireworks, parties in the park and an absence of that really cold thing called snow. It also means that school is out and kids are home. A lot.

If you’re anything like me, I love the structure and schedule that school provides my kids. I also love that they get to be with friends, learn some things (thanks teachers!) and have after school sports as part of their school experience.

What happens when kids and electronics and free time meet?

I think we all know the answer.

So, as part of our summer series, here are 4 things to get your kids outside and moving.

1)     Swim lessons

If your child doesn’t know how to swim, there’s no time like the present to learn that valuable skill. If your child does know how to swim, it never hurts to have her back in the water learning new things. Swimming and swim lessons are one of the best ways to get out some energy while enjoying time outside. If you’re curious about swim safety, we published a blog article with all sort of good information. That can be found by clicking here.

2)      Summer hikes

I’m lucky enough to live in a state that is littered with mountain trails that are amazing to hike. Some are easy, other a little tougher and others are very difficult.

The great thing is hiking doesn’t have to include mountains. Whether you live in the flat terrain of Michigan or the mountainous areas of Utah, there’s plenty to hike and so much to see. So get out there and get some steps in!

3)     Outdoor sports

I love playing pickleball and play most mornings before work. There are a bunch of community courts in my city and several surrounding areas as well. In the past year, I’ve notices more and more teenagers with pickleball paddles in their hands playing and I love seeing it. I’ve also noticed teenagers playing tennis, wiffleball, basketball and lots of other sports.

The summertime is an amazing time to explore different sports without any of the pressure of competition. Go find a new sports hobby and enjoy the weather!

4)     Start a business

Seriously. One of the best ways to get outside is to start a little lawn mowing business with them. It doesn’t take much – just the ability to push the mower in straight lines, empty a big into a garbage can and a willingness to ask for payment.

It’s an amazing way to earn money during a summer and one that teaches a lot of great life lessons. And who doesn’t want that?

With summer here, time outside is good for kids’ health and well being. Exercise let’s them expend energy that might otherwise be used to do something like, I don’t know, pick on their siblings.

Fresh air is good for the body and good for the soul. Find ways to get outside and enjoy the sun!

Just be sure to wear sunscreen =)


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